Based on your nutrition log, you’ll give yourself a score of 0-4 points per day based on your compliance with the Challenge.
There are also 3 ways to get bonus points each day.
Four Points: 100% clean, no refined sugars or processed foods. You stuck to challenge guidelines and ate mainly meat, veggies, some fruit, nuts, and seeds.
Three Points: One time during the day, you had a little something that was off the “list” of clean foods, but wasn’t horrible (Examples: Cream in coffee, Pre-made Condiments (Ketchup, mayo, dressing,) or Rice. (Note: any amount of more than one of these is a two-point day.)
You had a small amount of “not real food”.
Two Points: • Maybe it was a fully clean day, but had one full slip: 1 beer/glass of wine, dinner rolls, a handful of fries/chips, rice, etc. (Note: any amount of more than one of these is a one-point day.)
Most of your day was clean eating, but there was one full meal that you fell off the wagon: Pasta, Pizza, more than one Soda/Juice/alcohol,
One Point: Most of your day was clean eating, but there was one full meal that you fell off the wagon: Pasta, Pizza, more than one Soda/Juice/alcohol, bag of popcorn, etc. Note, any cheat outside of the bad meal pushes you into Zero Points.)
Zero Points: You had a bad day. (You’ll know.)
Bonus points:
• Up to Four points: For completing weekly challenges.
(+2 Nutrition challenge and +2 Fitness challenge).
-Two points: a day for completing one or more group workouts, yoga, soccer, or classes with Chay.
• Two points: Get 7 hours of sleep. Proper sleep has been associated with everything from faster recover, better mental focus.
• One point: Hydration. You get an additional point per day for consuming 50% bodyweight in ounces of water per day.
~Points are earned on a per day basis.~
Click on Cube Below for Recipes and Meal Tips.
You will be required to keep track and leave comments below:
1: Leave a Kick Off Comment.
2: Upload daily picture meal log.
3: Points earned for the day.
4: Add any feedback or comments about daily food and drink intake.
(Notes can include how you felt, how you lost points, or anything else).